Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Nullifier

So here’s the thing:
I’m terrified to death
That one day,
utterly unbeknownst to me,
you just get up
take the car keys
open the door
step outside
close the door
and disappear

I run to the window and barely catch a glimpse of the rear lights
vanishing about the corner

and in time I find someone new,
a real beefcake,
and I feel attracted to him
and want to be his woman
and he wants me
and we get together
and are happy

so that at the right moment,
when I realize this could be the one,
I press my cheek on his massive pectoral
and remember you

and all the work dissolves into Saharan wind

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Meaning of

I wonder if I got this right -
the meaning of life
and everything and all
is either to transmit messages from Tralfamadore
or to try one’s best
the very, very best, not one bit less
in the name of progress

I guess I’ll never wrap my head around
the right answer
whichever it is.

Most people spend their lives in pointless matters
and see meaning in it,
like they ought

while I stumble and crumble and fight and grind
fearing nothing,

but the dot

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Moment

All this planning and all this preparing and all this thinking
will only lead to a point where
they matter no more,
for only action counts.

I can analyze everything over and over again,
‘till the moment has passed,

or reject thought altogether,
waving my arms in the hustle,
foolishly peering everywhere,
while stumbling in every direction
at once.

How can I know if I’ve reasoned enough
yet not excessively?
How can I know the moment of action?

for it seems like an iterative process,

and I merely have one shot

Friday, February 17, 2017


It seems, now
that I am not fit to make my own mind
that the right belongs to someone else
- a stranger,
an utter nobody,
who holds no office in my life

Like a despot he sets the pace of my days
Controlling that which
is not his to control,
Facing decisions that
are not his to face

all awhile appealing to my vitrue,
my duty,
my workload in grace

But the choice is mine and mine alone.

If I cannot choose to work in vain
If I cannot choose to try and fail
If I forfeit my freedom to those in claim

I am the only one to blame